Wrinkle Rescue Moisturizer from NOW is a high quality skincare product designed to moisturize and revitalize aging skin, restoring a healthy, youthful glow. NOW uses 1% Seplift DPHP in the formula for its Wrinkle Rescue Moisturizer, combined with natural oils including avocado, rosemary, geranium and lavender, collagen, L-carnosine and blue green algae. This paraben free moisturizer, when used over a 4 to 6 week period twice a day as directed, has proven clinically effective at lifting and toning aging skin to look more firm, supple and healthy.
Men and women who apply Wrinkle Rescue Moisturizer by NOW after cleansing and toning the face, can realize a number of important health benefits:
- Aids in moisturizing and revitalizing skin.
- Helps to minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
- Helps to firm, tone and lift the skin to achieve a tighter and more toned appearance.